Wednesday 10 September 2008

Rates Of Oesophageal Cancer In UK Among The Worst In Europe

�Call for national research study to investigate the causes of oesophageal cancer

The Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation would like to support the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation for a large scale national enquiry study to investigate the risk factors associated with the rising rate of cancer of the gullet. This was included in his Annual Report published yesterday, which raised grave concern all over the sharp rise in oesophageal (gullet) cancer over the final two decades.

Barrett's Oesophagus is a condition which occurs in patients with a long history of heartburn and acid reflux. People with Barrett's esophagus are up to 125 times more likely to develop cancer of the oesophagus than the ordinary person. The Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation is the entirely charity dedicated to the prevention of cancer from this condition.

Sir Liam Donaldson's early recommendations include better educational programmes to improve world awareness of the symptoms of oesophageal cancer and research into better symptomatic techniques.

Dr Rebecca Fitzgerald, Trustee of Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation and an technical on malignant neoplastic disease of the oesophagus, says: "Further inquiry and greater awareness could save many lives. We hope that Sir Liam's recommendations ar taken severely."

Oesophageal crab is the sixth to the highest degree common cause of cancer deaths in England and Wales and kills over 6,000 people a year. England has some of the highest rates of oesophageal cancer in Europe. Over the last-place 20 age, the rate of new cases in England has gone up by 86% for men and 40% for women, whereas the rate has sharply reduced in former European countries, such as France. The reasons for this ar unknown.

For more information visit hTTP://


1. Spokespeople and case studies are available for interview

2. To speak flat with Dr Rebecca Fitzgerald, please physical contact the book of Numbers above

3. The Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation was constituted in 1999 as a national charity with the principal aims of:

- securing the long term future of The UK National Barrett's Oesophagus Registry (UKBOR)

- establishing a patient support chemical group for Barrett's sufferers and their families

- funding research projects into the causes, prevention and treatment of Barrett's esophagus and oesophageal cancer


Barrett's gullet (Barrett's) is an abnormal lining of the oesophagus (otherwise known as the gullet), which occurs in patients with a long history of heartburn and reflux (acid and gall moving into the esophagus). In a minority of people Barrett's oesophagus may progress through a series of stages (dysplasia) to cancer.

4. PROBE is the patient role support network of the Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation with three key aims: to provide a network of support and information to Barrett's patients: to set up funds for research: to raise cognisance of the condition and its implications

The Barrett's Oesophagus Foundation

More info